Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Justin's French Apartment

After some searching I finally found a nice place! I'll go into more detail in future posts about the process. The short version is that my new address here in France is:

M. Justin Chia
2, Boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris

As I learned, there are a few quirks to the system here in France. Will blog more when I'm not on a timer heh.

Personally, I'm loving this place! I better heh.... after all I chose my own bed to lie in :)
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tanio said...

hey bro,

glad to know that you have found a nice-looking are things going for u?gotten used to the "French' lifestyle yet?? In any case, take care and God bless man!!



juice14 said...

Yo yo! Sort of... but the weather is bloody freezing... at least for me. You can refer here for all my adventures ... I got a lot but my house the personal internet not hooked up yet so updates will be slow... you can check my facebook for my personal french handphone :)