Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hurray moving out soon!

Finally going to get my own place (although I'm just renting). At least will have some place to call mine. Currently crippled without proper internet access. I promise I will update all my adventures when I can upload properly. Currently photos are kind of stuck.

Congrats to the new parents, Alex and Lesley!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I have a place to stay!

Looks like my agent has come through for me....

My new address should be :

2, Boulevard Jourdan
75014, Paris

Or something like that hahaha!!!!

Adventures in France

Hi All!

I'm now safely ensconced in France. Still adjusting to the life here.

I guess from now on I'll use this blog to document my life here hehe.... seems a lot easier than Facebook.... at least for my ramblings

Stay tuned folks!